Video Tool

Available video training content

Video Tool is a training-on-demand system.

Upon purchase:

Risks assessment

Tell a customized story—one that could happen to you today

A 7 minutes impactful customizable video

tells a story that could happen to each member of your team. The movie makes you feel why Risks Assesment is so important, and how it can make your job safer.
☞ 4 versions of the same story have been created to represent different teams’ daily workflow, and to make them feel CONCERNED about Risk Assessment.

Film your colleagues and team, capture the interior of the plant, and get a large group involved in the filming process!


3 minutes

customizable videos on
various topics, serve as

Average 12 to 15

training sequences to take the right steps

Tell us about your need, we’ll be in touch with you soon.

Translation and voice over will be incorporated in the movie and available online.


A COURTESY OF IPS ● Institution pour le Progrès la Santé et la Sécurité

Working at heights

Victor’slife turned upside down one day just like any other,
for a simple mistake. With working at heights you have no
second chance… You could be Victor. Embed your reality in
this film whose history you can rewrite by respecting the
simple principlesof safety when working at height.

7 minutes shot in Pont à Mousson.

3 minutes

customizable videos on
various topics, serve as

Average 12 to 15

training sequences to take the right steps

Tell us about your need, we’ll be in touch with you soon.

Translation and voice over will be incorporated in the movie and available online.