When teams learn through filming
their abilities increase
and their mindset changes
Empowering your teams
- No more top-down learning methods. Participants share their experiences and points of view during filming in order to shoot the right sequence and achieve their training goals.
- Filming enhances knowledge transfer and collaboration within your organization.
Keep Employees Engaged
- Filming is a team effort involving the director, actors, and extras in the safety process.
- The POWER of filmmaking is incredible !
- Repeating takes is fun, not a chore. Video Tool builds communication through filming, winning the hearts and minds of your employees—and giving them a reason to follow the rules.
It looked like team building !
Video tool :
an immersion in reality
You gonna learn by touching
Adam production,
Observe analyse
and do the right action
- Filming requires observation, analysis, and communication in order to produce the right sequence of action.
- Video Tool gives workers the ability to learn at their own pace. Once employees are on the floor, pairing videos with the related storyboard will generate discussion or hands-on demonstrations, which in turn will provide trainees with an immersive and memorable learning experience.
Efficient communication
- Working through a real-life situation gives your employees the opportunity to look up confusing concepts or reflect on key points and processes they learned.
- Video Tool builds communication through filming, winning the hearts and minds of your employees—and giving them a reason to follow the rules.
Watch an example,
then repeat the process Trainings instantly
accessible to all
Lack of reading comprehension will no longer be a barrier to training.
- Video Tool relies on the picture superiority effect. The ‘watch and repeat’ process naturally leads the trainee to reconstruct instructions based on his on-the-ground situation. This ensures all employees are aware of the best safety practices for them.
Images alleviates any language barriers.
Images are universally understandable Organizations with a multi-lingual workforce will also benefit from the tool. Plus, many safety training videos are available in multiple languages.
Differences between sites matter
Reflect them
Customized training maximizes understanding and identity
Even when delivered via handbooks or guidelines, training in any one location will likely be different from
training in other locations. This can be detrimental when a production site’s specific situation is not
addressed, or when critical material is accidentally missed or poorly communicated.
- Employees need to have a full understanding of their production environment.
- Video Tool training videos reflect each site’s specific situation and minimize misinterpretation by delivering information objectively and factually.
Customized training gives teams new reasons to follow the rules
Carianna RIPG National,
Safety Manager
It’s a unique way for a manager
to better understand his team’s
perspective and the overall safety
culture in his workplace.
Put out feelers !
Providing support during training gives managers an opportunity to observe safety perceptions and views among a
wide range of workers.
It’s a unique way for a manager to better understand his team’s perspective and the overall safety culture in his
Save time and a lot of energy
Not only are active training videos beneficial for learners, but they also save time and resources for training managers.
Empowering teams increases their autonomy, while on-site training reduces the need for specialized training and
reassures you that instructions have been fully understood.
You can see it for yourself in the sequences teams have just filmed!